Is Tuna Halal Or Haram? (UPDATED)

Is Tuna Halal Or Haram? (UPDATED)

Since halal is an Arabic word that means “permissible,” it is frequently used to describe what is acceptable and legal among Muslims. Contrast the word halal, which means “lawful” or “permitted,” with the word haram, which means “unlawful” or “forbidden.”

Everything a Muslim does, eats, wears, or encounters must be judged according to whether it is halal or haram. Although everything else is crucial, food takes centre stage.

It’s not surprising that many Muslims wonder whether or not a given food is haram or halal. Tuna fish is one food item about which there have been many inquiries recently. Does Islam have a position on whether or not tuna is a permissible food? As a result of our investigation, we present the following.

Is Tuna Halal Or Haram?

As a type of fish, tuna is considered halal by Muslims, and the Quran explicitly states that all seafood is lawful to consume. Even though some Muslim groups consider tuna to be haram because of its predatory nature.

There is no doubt that the Holy Quran is the only place to gain clarity on the subject of what is halal and what is haram.

What Muslims should and should not eat is laid out in great detail in the Quran. Although animals make up the vast majority of this, the manner in which they are killed is also a factor in whether or not the meat is considered halal or haram.

What Exactly Did The Quran Say Be Haram?

In Islam, it is forbidden to eat things like pork, pigs, cats, dogs, and monkeys, as well as any predatory animals. If halal food is fried in the same oil as haram meat, it becomes haram food. It is recommended that you avoid eating certain meats unless eating them could mean the difference between life and death.

The majority of Muslims appear to agree that tuna is permissible to eat despite the fact that it is not explicitly forbidden in any of the sources cited above. However, some Islamic scholars may have decided that, as a predatory fish, tuna should not be consumed.

Tuna, according to these academics, is typically caught using the same methods employed in the slaughter of other fish.

However, there are sufficient pieces of evidence in the Quran that permit the consumption of tuna fish, according to the percentage of the Muslim community that believes it can be eaten. Some of the supporting evidence includes the following:

  • The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have declared, “whatever is in the sea is halal for you,” in a hadith. As tuna is caught in the ocean, it is permissible in Islamic law.
  • Followers of Islam are permitted to “eat any fish that has scales and should not consume what does not have scales,” as stated by the prophet in the Quran. Consequently, the tuna is permissible for Muslim consumption because it has scales, as required by the Quran.
  • Tuna fish is considered halal because it is not mentioned in the Quran as being among the types of fish that are forbidden to be eaten.
  • It is OK to consume tuna because, according to a hadith, “there is no guilt on you if you eat what you catch while fishing,” even though tuna is a predatory fish and is caught using the same equipment used for killing fish.

Despite these facts, there are some in the Muslim community who continue to hold to the belief that tuna is forbidden because of a misunderstanding of Islamic law. Some people believe that eating something could be a sin if you are not sure if the claims made about it are true.

Can I Eat Everything From The Sea?

Even though the Quran says Muslims can eat anything they catch in the ocean, there are certain types of seafood that are off-limits. Piece by piece, we’ll go over each of these topics.

Can I Eat Everything From The Sea

1. Shellfish

Crabs, oysters, prawns, shrimp, and all the other marine organisms with hard exoskeletons are all considered shellfish. Islamic scholars have deemed shelled seafood to be halal, making it kosher for consumption. Three of the four schools of thought considered it acceptable to eat shellfish.

The Hanafi, on the other hand, consider them haram because they are Makrooh, or detectable.

2. Octopus And Squids

Octopus and squid are considered halal and permissible for human consumption by many Islamic scholars, including the Hanibal, Maliki, and Sahafi schools of thought. Experts in the Hanafi school of thought, however, disagree. They hold the view that squid and octopus are forbidden to be consumed because of their sacred status as makruh.

3. Alligators And Crocodiles

Crocodiles and alligators are forbidden in the eyes of Islamic scholars. This is due to the fact that they are predators and can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments. The Holy Quran forbids the consumption of any animal that causes harm, regardless of where it resides. This includes sharks and other predatory marine creatures.

4. Frogs

Frog has been declared haram by a number of Islamic scholars, hence its consumption is forbidden. This is consistent with the teaching of the Prophet (PBUH) that Muslims should not kill frogs. As a result, frogs are taboo for Muslims to consume.

4. Frogs

Is Canned Tuna Halal Or Haram?

Tinned tuna is considered halal and can be consumed by Muslims. However, it must adhere to certain standards in order to be considered halal. Some requirements are outlined below.

  • It is important to remove all fish with scales from the water alive, not just tuna (river, sea, etc.).
  • It is forbidden in Islam to kill a fish while it is still submerged in water.
  • Phosphate usage is strictly forbidden. Phosphate is used as a preservative and to lengthen the shelf life of meat and fish. It’s a common ingredient for canned fish, especially tuna. Although this would make the fish halal, it is forbidden in the Muslim community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Subway Tuna Halal?

Tuna from Subway is considered halal and can be consumed by Muslims. This is so because the company behind the tuna has verified that it comes from halal-certified fisheries.

Is Skipjack Tuna Halal?

Having said that, skipjack tuna is halal and permissible for consumption. This is because it has been shown that no haram substances are used in the production of this fish.

Is Yellowfin Tuna Haram?

There is no Islamic prohibition against eating yellowfin tuna. Fish like the yellowfin tuna have scales, and the Quran permits eating any fish with scales. therefore, the yellowfin tuna is a halal food.

Final Thoughts

According to the Quran and the opinions of various Muslim scholars, tuna is not forbidden by Islam and may be consumed by Muslims. Some Muslims hold the view that tuna is forbidden by religion, but this is not shared by all Muslims.

Tuna fish in a can is halal, but only if it comes from a company that strictly adheres to halal practises before it is sold.

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